2024–2025 Parent/Player Permission/Participation Agreement

San Antonio Patriot’s (SAP) goal is to provide high-quality school-level athletic programs that are Christ-honoring for our homeschool students.  We are a highly competitive program with many travel tournaments throughout our season.  The costs for travel to and from tournaments are funded by student athlete families, not SAP.  In addition, families fund the operations of the program through registration fees and fundraising opportunities throughout the season.  Without your involvement, we have no program.  To keep registration fees to a minimum, your participation in fundraising activities and active giving of your time through volunteer opportunities are greatly appreciated and needed throughout the season.


I/We, the parent(s) or guardian(s) of the applicant, give permission to participate in SAP sponsored tryouts, practices, clinics, and games etc. and hereby give my/our approval to participate in any and all activities.  I/We represent that the applicant is in good health and able to participate in the physical activities and vigorous workout of a sports league/game/practice/clinic.  I/We assume all risks and hazards incidental to such participation, including transportation to and from activities.  I/We hereby authorize the SAP staff, coaches, and/or team parent/rep to act for me/us according to their best judgment in any emergency requiring medical attention.  I/We do hereby waive, release, absolve, indemnify, and agree to hold harmless SAP and any participating church or school, participants, and persons transporting my/our child to and from activities for any claim arising out of an injury to my/our child, whether the result of negligence or for any other cause, except to the extent and in the amount covered by accident and liability insurance.



SAP is a competitive homeschool basketball program.  When registering to play with the SAP basketball program, it is imperative that families understand playing time is not a right; it is a privilege earned by attendance at practices and games, hard work, a good attitude, being a team player, skill level, etc. It is also affected by other reasonable requirements set by individual coaches.  Complaints filed with the organization pertaining to playing time will not be entertained.




  • I will personally behave in a Christ-like manner at all times, and encourage my teammates to exhibit a Christ-like attitude and good sportsmanship in all team

activities.  I agree that I represent Christ, my family, and SAP.


  • I will keep my commitment to the team and attend all practices/games. (If I have to

miss I will contact the coach with a valid reason.)


  • I will demonstrate respect to coaches, teammates, fans, and referees. I will obey and

comply with the coach’s instructions or directions.


  • If I have a concern or conflict that needs resolution, I will ask for a good time to talk to

the coach (not before/during/immediately after a game).  If the matter is not resolved,

I will request a meeting with the Coach and the Commissioner.  I will not spread my

concern or conflict among other team members.  I will practice honesty with my

coaches, fellow players, and my parents/guardians.


  • I will not use profanity or improper gestures in practices, games, locker rooms, gyms,

or anywhere I represent SAP.  I will not use any banned substances (such as alcohol

or drugs).



  • I understand it is my responsibility to know and help uphold and enforce the above

Player Participation Agreement as well as this Parent Participation Agreement.


  • I will personally behave in a Christ-like manner at all times, and encourage my child

and his/her teammates to exhibit a Christ-like attitude and good sportsmanship in all

team activities.  I agree that I represent Christ, my family, and SAP.


  • I agree that I will comply with the following eligibility requirements set by SAP and

NCHC.  NCHC eligibility guidelines are further explained on the NCHC website at



  • Only students who are registered with SAP may practice or play once the

team roster is set.


  • Students must be on the team roster on or before October 1. Any exceptions

must be approved by both SAP and NCHC. SAP will not accept players

from or release players to other local homeschool programs after October 1.


  • There is a sitting period for all rising upperclassmen (junior or senior) players

transferring from a school to SAP Basketball. Players may practice but must

sit out of games until November 23 for juniors and January 1 for seniors.


  • Any student who transfers from a public school, Christian/private school, or

another homeschool team and is under disciplinary action(s) must wait one

(1) year before he/she is eligible to participate in any/all games.

  • Students must be homeschooled continuously per NCHC’s definition of a

homeschooled student athlete.


  • Students must provide evidence of enrollment with an umbrella school (if

applicable), and if in high school, will provide a list of any dual-enrollment or

non-parent directed classes to satisfy at least 51% of his/her education from

classes that meet the homeschooling definition (parent- or legal guardian directed)


  • Students must complete schoolwork and maintain a GPA of 2.0 per NCHC

eligibility guidelines. First semester grades if requested (or report card) will be submitted

to the coach by January 31.


  • A student is eligible to play only in the gender division indicated on his/her

original birth certificate per NCHC eligibility guidelines.


  • I recognize this is my child’s journey, not mine, and I will focus on being a

supportive and encouraging parent. Likewise, I will encourage the other players on

the team. I recognize that all players are expected to give their best, to work hard,

and to embrace their roles, but that not all players will have equal playing time. I will

support the team and help my child mature and succeed.


  • I will not coach my child or the team from the sideline so as not to distract from the

voice of the coaching staff.  I will cheer and offer encouragement from the sidelines.


  • I will not berate or badger the officials.


  • I will be supportive of the coaches, remembering that they are volunteering and

sacrificing their time and efforts for our children.  I will encourage my child to

communicate any issues, questions, or concerns he/she may have with the coach.


  • I will not engage myself in negative discussions about the team, coach, or SAP. I will

not approach the coach before/during/immediately after a game to discuss issues;

rather, I will contact the coach to arrange a time to discuss concerns or questions.  If

the matter is not resolved, I will request a meeting with the coach and the commissioner

. I will not spread my concern or conflict inside or outside the organization.


  • I agree to only use basketball as punishment as a last resort. I understand that not allowing

my student athlete to attend practices or games punishes the entire team.  I agree to speak

with my coach if there are extenuating circumstances where I deem it necessary.  If my child

misses due to punishment at home, I understand that they may lose playing time

or their spot in the rotation (that will be at the coach's discretion).


  • I will support the team and program by volunteering my services when needed. I

recognize the entire program is dependent on committed volunteers.  I understand

that parents and/or players for 10U, 12U, 14U, 16U, and 18U teams will be expected to

volunteer at basketball events.


  • I will pay my child’s fees within the timeline provided. If unforeseen circumstances

arise and I cannot pay in full by the due date, I will proactively communicate with the

coach and/or program treasurer to reach an approved alternative timeline, or recognize

that my child’s eligibility on the team will be in jeopardy. I understand that refunds

will not be issued after October 1 (exceptions must be approved by the commissioner).


  • It is strongly recommended that all San Antonio Patriots student-athletes have a current

sports physical since certain leagues in which San Antonio Patriots participates may require

them.  Please refer to the medical polices in the athletic handbook for additional



  • I will provide a copy of my child’s birth certificate to the team parent or team

secretary/treasurer if requested.


  • I will complete all required paperwork and online forms in the timeframe requested,

including, but not limited to, those required by SAP and NCHC.




Eligibility and Disciplinary Guidelines for Players:

Violations may result in loss/reduction of playing time, extra running and/or drills, or

suspensions (temporary or permanent), and continued issues will result in removal from the

team.  The head coach and/or the Commissioner is given the responsibility and authority to

enforce the eligibility and/or disciplinary guidelines for any player infractions.  If suspension or

removal occurs due to a Player Participation Agreement infraction or any other reason, I

understand that I will be responsible for any remaining or additional costs and NO refunds will

be given.



Disciplinary Guidelines for Parents:

The Parent’s Participation Agreement is in force during all team functions, including, but not

limited to: games, practices, travel, team activities, team meetings, etc.  Parent disciplinary

action for infractions or inappropriate conduct may result in meeting with the Commissioner

(or designated basketball representative), and continued issues may result in not

being allowed to attend games or the suspension of my child/player.

I/We have read, understand, and agree to abide by the above guidelines.  I/We agree to

accept actions taken for failure to abide by these guidelines.



PLEASE NOTE: Complete registration takes place online. Your agreement to the above participation guidelines is considered binding once you complete your online registration and you will be asked to acknowledge this form online during registration or by signing a hard copy and returning to your coach.  In addition to this form, you are asked to review the SAP athletic handbook, which you will agree to during registration.  Take the time to read the above guidelines and the handbook before agreeing to them online, and keep a copy of these guidelines for your records.  Thank you