San Antonio Patriots ASB

The $50 ASB must be paid PRIOR to participation in any sport.  One fee per household per school year.

Enter in each child within your household by selecting add participant before moving to the next page from the main page. KEEP your confirmation code for the year.  You will need to enter it while registering for EACH sport.

The ASB fee is an organizational fee to participate within the San Antonio Patriots program.  ASB stands for Associated Student Body.  This fee goes to help pay for organizational overhead fees such as website costs.  As an organization we are trying to minimize the operating costs of each individual sport and having to fundraise as a whole organization.  Although we may have to fundraise from time to time this ASB will help minimize this need.

The ASB is good for one school year and must be repurchased each year.

ASB 2024-25 School Year

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